The Senate Committee consists of a meeting BKA Korea Monday to discuss with Grid Grid Cornuctrad and unstable lights.
At a meeting, lawmakers began alternating alternatives, including the use of coconut, to solve the power of the country’s electricity.
A chairman, Enyinnaya, told the Koreans to make the main reasoning power of the power in the country was useless and difficult.
A karibe, representatives ABIA South South South South South, stood the need to use electrical network and the amount of electric generation, which is 4,000 megawatts.
“Our Important Goal for Additional Committee As people and how to submit the union and let the difference between incomplete age’s difference in this country.
“We want you to be the most useful of your commitment to buy any technology or idea you have brought about the answers to us,” The Seer said.
Nigeria, the most popular nation in Africa, continues to suffer the Grid of Grid for absence. The Grid fell in a while in 2024 in 2024, the things that added the complexity of the world.
When the reports indicates the original fall of 2025, a The Shipment Company in Nigeria (TCN) reported the latest black the external times.
TCN in the delayen nigeria has the ability to make 13,000 megawatts, but can only be able to allow 4,000 megawatts. However, many experts have introduced the amount not enough for more than 200 million people.
Apart from weaknesses, armed forces and forces. It’s a little bit of titles that we meet more than a week of more than a week October after the publications of publications.
Looking at the Mini Mini-Grid-Grid and Powerful Power
In response to, representatives BK, Haeagoio Lee and Sundo Park, the biggest mini.
Especially, Lee spoke about South Korea’s strength, where about 50 million people enjoying electricity in the National Army.
He said Nigeria is a special responsibility to get to know other electrical, especially coconut, which are cultivated in different places.
“When the degree is required when they are standing or spread to the generation to be damaged or constant.
“Nigeria is a chance to make a Cocket, in fact, farming often made of a Grapel of a strong generation such as South Korea. Lee said:” Mr Lee: “Mr Lee:” Mr Lee, says: “Mr Lee.
Added: There is no GRID to the passage in 2025 -TCN
The importance of the local house
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Article: Dial Willie – +234809888999