Police reported ‘Madman’ of ‘Madman’ A ‘insisting to achieve
Ansuka, a warrior – The law of ogun State State has left the statement and the singer against Habaleb Punionwell-known as Portablethat they are victims of madness, to say that to continue a person.
Carriers, in video 2, revealed “mad” to receive the support of The FederalTy neuropychatric Hospital, ARO, HAVANI’m pleasing to Nigeri and the government of Ogun State as he required it.
However, government officials, Offolated coatConfuse its statements, and remember it matters to the police list and we need to examine yourself.
“It will come back with a commitment. It can’t be in a psychiatrist at Aro. Everyone knows that it’s an interesting person. Therefore, the police will not accept this.”
Articles to want to hold
The goal is said to beat Three major adults from Ogin State of Englict and EXTUUN, true of OONAL OPIC–Tpl arkjojo hidesi, tpl raymond Freef, and tpl Ridwan ErnersseSore-That’s use of physical activity to Top-Off, Adrodro of Children, a Good War.
According to the officials, they met cruel men Great BarHe told them that his son is not available. Shortly thereafter, the musician reportedly reached a gun and, along with Nine tiges of ninemutting to the ladies without wearing.
The police said that the slaves were injured but was able to escape and refer to what happened OTA’s commandwhich was far away from Government Government. Despite the arrest of the construction, the singer said he fled, and he was able to hide.
Police: fun to ignore several calls
Uter Tireala revealed that the packet was invited a few times to explain the capital centerBut he intentionally ignored the invitations Without sending any valid form.
“Following a repeated performance, Ogin State’s laws have found a valid court order that tells her.”
Articles provides a political format, mental illness
To answer the nut, what happened in Instagram Tuesday in Rants install because she wear a garment of Senator Contains Solomon (Jaya), Legal The evening war. He added he’s restless And she has a medical history to a mental hospital.
“I’m afraid of the government. I’m a rough government. I’m a mad; I have a medicine to take. You can make sure of one of their patients.”
Author of the long term of a criminal prosecutor from a problem
Right now, The changes of the deerA special agent on a new media to Senator AddressHe has exalted his sister because of the difficulties of stitching, I will encourage the tunning to take what he did.
“A goal must be responsible. Senator who is not helping her in the blank of the disobedience, disobedience, and verification will not help her to eliminate justice.”
The sakes determined that Seetory Yaxi with a pre-specified server Who cannot include me The reckless behavior.
What’s next?
By the court instead of The Ogun’s Law is still keepingTo pick up expected to commit to police or a strong face.
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