The capital city commanded for rivers to be a governor, nominarlar fubaara, took a course of restrictive and unrelated river.
By the judgment of Emmanuel Guim, a well-suicide who has taken a statement of a legal or legal laws with the laws of democracy (PDP).
The selection states that all the members of the office and court soldiers were established for the Fifure Responsible.
Different dosage dose
Resurrection, Combaging-Download-SC – C C. / CV / 1175A / 2074 provided with Fobaara, exposed that the governor fears:
- Try to get the National Assensing world to take legal river services.
- Avoid river rivers to have quorum rules.
- Gather not blind to three members of 3 members to another place.
- To cancel the meeting and remove the secretary and the secretary of the author.
- Shipping a lot of machinery, including blocks, to damage the pressure of the legislation.
- Copy the rules and staff workers to get a legislation.
The higher court recognized that this was taken for the order of the court that made the rules to cancel the governor.
The Justice Agim did this again that Fabaare tide shivers State River of State River of State House Restrictions, I challenge the facts of the opposition of the rules.
“ASSIGE OF 8 [Fubara] The judge fell in a meeting. “Therefore, there is no question about any member of each member because of damage can also be. There must be a house of a convention to happen, as proclaiming in the preaching work, to happen. “
The Court Obtained With Trust of Purpose
“No Governing Government”
The capital city suggested Forbare’s methods, it says that her fears in the park is not justified on the Constitution and democracy.
“The government may not claim to be without one of three governments of the state,” reads. “Here, the head of the big chapter has decided to drop the Parliament to control without him – as a scoff. Just as to stand, no place for walking along the edge.”
The judgment is strongly firmly of Fool’s ambassador, showing the extravators of extra Extra and immune system to avoid political responses.
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