And Johnbosco turned, harass
President as long as we have chosen a medical officer (government medical caregresses?
The words of the President, Baya eyepaga, wrote the cmds that have been established by their hospitals.
According to the words, Ougugun Sylvester Ojo, who is medical producers, is chosen as a chief of federal education, cleaning, oneore.
Prof. Ojo became a pioneer pioneer overseer.
Prof. Yusu Mohammed Abdullahi was also rewritten as a federal officer of a Federal Hospital, the shore, “following the best work of his first time. His planning proves his special leadership and donation.”
Dr. Dauda Abubrar Katathar, the Great Hospital’s Assistant Azer’s Hospital, Azare, Bauk State, has been proven to be cmd.
Dr. The Iongrama Hassan is chosen to be the Great Hospital Category officer in the Laphayer, Nanarawawa State. A doctor of instructor, Dr. Ahassan had already worked in a DaTuuth’s Hospital Ibrahim Huzu of Arab before Arab attended a training medical training.
Dr. Ali Mohammed Ramat, a famous doctor of orthofudic and a spinal doctor, was appointed to the local hospital, Bado State.
Dr hanya abuble shehu Haubazar Sporciation, selected as an elder Medical Medical, Kantchanga, Caduna State.
“There are always four years, helpful from all the Sopatiel to describe the office,” the words shot.
It was also said, “Prof. Yusuf Mohammey of 2 second and last if CMD in a training hospital, the beach, started on September 5, 2024.
“Dri Dudar Katagar Katagam as CMD Unlocation of Heldes of Healths of Healths of Healthy Healths of Health
“President’s President’s President was interested in medical faculty and encouraged to establish the topic of technology, reads, and shipping of work in their roles.
“He added to his employee to help repair a healthy construction and make sure all Nigeria will be able to get medical help.”
Post tutubu chicks six inches that federal hospitals were first on Vaxard News.