In my humble thoughts, Nigeria who give birth to “varying power” only helps prevent political, and the state of the public, and in particular to think of time. A vigorous changes and, as I see, a fake mind. With the teaching of the political teaching, all right, a liar; to the worst. The entire system of electricity helps and continue to perform unauthorized habits. Instead of encouraging leaders have a vision – a Lee Contact the type of leaders who can turn to Nigeria around Nigeria around Nigeria around the Maybolia’s age.
Let’s start with a couple of questions – the one who requires groups of groups, but who have always been there. What is the purpose of power? When we are together with the rights of one authority and rights to take the decisions, then they can take decisions in our behalf, what should they do? What the power we give to him (or he) to be dominated with the best shipment? Or the power of a license, then, that will help you, as his family members, or sells the opportunity to return to the campaign for campaigns?
If the force we give to one ruler (such as President, KabAmba, LG Typeman) should be used to help well, it should not think about how to help? Should we not have the skills of skills? The services I remember includes police protected; Following immediately and the fear of an hour stealing / killer / whole body. Spread to Righteousness and Changing Righteousness; the health of health and medical treatment; Instead of study of paper qualifications and good education; repair and fix; and to protect our rights and welfare at home and our outer security. A list of our expectations on our own promise. So the power needed to do very difficult tasks, and to produce the necessary tasks.
By my knowledge, the ways we are seeking or our leadership system appears (even as far away) recognition of the growth of our problems such as color. Do not take the necessary information about citizenship. The act of dating, he has been unable to meet a citizen and, in seeking force, cultivation – religions. By ignoring the real title and ask for suggestions, which they want to ban the selected to make the interests they like (what they want).
However, where the “converted person has been played, the power to serve people will come to the hands of more money, those who promise everything. Imagine this, the processing process takes energy from us to all of us with the hands of others who use the way it is. Someone should not understand oligarchy law of Oligarchy to know that the energy which is “Radoed” the area cannot be changed, or analysis and controlled by each area. Power that is received as a birthright, appropriate, or ‘property’ house “is not expected to be calculated in a way that is fed with ordinary citizens.
As a result, we say that one part, we choose a tamed place, the push of our political elders or with our neutrality, or only religious. Life, as we know, it will continue when we throw our votes and show new things similar to the “control house” and strength to control. In that case, choices don’t make it different in our lives and a better life. Everyone who has the power will continue to rule and the others will continue fighting with their daily problems. The employee travels on the streets when the political political connections are being packed in Tushi. Perks of the university, but the graduates are not enough to read and poor. Health and medical health should be outside the liver. Great streets will be given regularly, but the rural roads will be remembered, maybe, impossible. Life will still continue to risk, such as agents with customs of traditions to make ridicule for legal arrangements. Corruption continue to cool even after we know that (corruption) is bad for our wealth and our protection.
Meanwhile, “New Roals” (members of the inner country) will remain longer “staff” (including the electrical “house”)
Am I going to be all of this? What do connecting between dues and access to the required services? Do the two (Poly relevants of the problem with a chance relating to “powerful electricity”? That “system” does not work (and don’t talk about the jobs that people need to discuss) in comparison. Anyone who challengers will ask who tired of the Nigerian citizenship, or those who cannot wait to leave the country. Even many ignorant people will oath the system is not working the way it should.
The plan is a lack of authority, and we have not had the authority of all manager. One side of the Dyssupporting system is to look at the fundamentals of the set of (settings as a form and number of issues are expected, dimensions, and equipment). Like other defects of dyscisana, what are we looking for on the appearance (eg, religious beliefs, but it is very happy as an invitation, or the desire to sing, one of us “. In other words, we do not ask everyone to be the requested questions ‘around’ to us. We just search as the power leaves the hands of our relatives and it rotates in another. The ‘Margiltration”s crying is just wandering only if energy changes “the control house”
The habit of viewing Nigeria difficulties from Portion, Ethno-region, corner is not a stranger in one area. It’s an international way, passing. Sadly, our leaders have, because of selfishness, or at least, not be brave, reassed to sounds a roaring attitude. They always obey him in our ears “our interest” to have the power of our brothers. What they forget to tell us and say this, in all ways, used to benefit a few, few who have the hope of “the hope” and controls as required. They also fail remind us that this emphasizes, with one-time. Not only that; When the power left the hands of our brothers and walk else, we’ll be back again. Another elder and the fact that we invited us to pay for choices made in our name with few (a number of “a small” family “. Of these options are what we didn’t make with what we found everything we were profitable!
It goes away not to say that the leader who wants to succeed in active, and who wants to give up the inheritance that does not match, but with a bids to lose weight / head. This requires, at least, to encourage the chosen part of all Nigeria’s problems. The leader who will be remembered (and should be in a positive way) will play a “nationality and tongue” and will come with the vision of the great, modern, but also nigeria.
Just as it does, the decorations of the “bigger interests of the squeeze. One area of ​​disturbing and unbroken, all the rest cannot sleep clearly. By the same sign, peace and development in one area will be comparable, hold to all parts of Nigeria. At least, if not because of what is available but the future generations, time has come to have the views that take Pon-nigeria, leaving the converts they have, in the past.
African cough has slept for a long time. Now that’s when it’s got to get up and become African Tiger.
MJ Balgon is a special counselor to the President of 74th Part of the United Nations General Assembly, New York.
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