The founder is a superior manager of the fire and miracles attack (mfm), Daniel Westernwarned people about the risks of a gesture of unwanted brisk browser.
The word ‘lowly women of women refers to the first sex of sex, which makes the death of their virginity.
In his Virus chapters out of his Sermon on “The Role of Blood Direction (Step 4) ‘- Mobbed on YouTube – 67 shepherds warned about spiritual adversity. = V = 1ZWW4RTCH2Q
At the time of the evangelist, elementary phase, the scientist, who is born-OLOr and the dimensional.
Mr Ortukoya, graduate of Lagos (said: “Men, are you someone else and have been surprised if your life is down.
“If you’re a woman of cleaning, you’ll get a baby, have her blood, make a covenant with Him.
The shipment of demons
Authors of ‘prayer rains’ and ‘rests them before it stops’
He added that at the time of skeletal, unconscious men, and later moved some women.
“If the crowds of the girl is sorry, you (the man) made His covenant with her demons.
“When the person gets to another wife, the added blocks that she had gathered the souls of the demons, even before demons. That’s why this country is in trouble now”, why Mr Orucid.
Mr Ortukoya is her last church tears When they condemned ‘carefully’ in prison for nine years of Femoh and Caleb Ortle.
On 8 June 2024, Premium reported To interrest with Yruba Gidi TV, Mr Joli, an old Mphoma, says the Olderians were put in prison for about ten years without military case.
Added: We are Dinero’s Pastor Femi Lazarus on the musician of the Gospel
According to Jimoh, the church likens the murder, murderence, gunfire, gunfire, and attacks.
Komabe, mlangizi wamphamvu wa Mfm, Davidson Adejuwon, adachotsa zonena kuti ndi zabodza, zoyipa, zosokoneza, zosocheretsa, komanso zankhanza.
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Article: Dial Willie – +234809888999