United kogging County Commissioner to Nigeria, Jonny Baxter, reveals that the events of the event between UK and Nigeria is better than Rogs. “
The Baxter revealed this in his receipt in the end of Westerfield College UK, worked in Britain to Lagos.
A Britain Control emphasized the trading of the two countries also a special fence of dialogues and economic, promoting development, and cooperation.
He saw that UK at a couple of Nigeria businesses, prompted the importance of “the benefits of users.”
“The business is not about the UK businesses to come to Nigeria; and Nigeria businesses are setting the existing of the UK. These are the reason of this modern event is fun,” he said.
Commissider’s superintender described a college college as a ‘pleasure part’ in Nigeria to enhance their educational extension, especially in the Wake Market. “
Turning a business
The Baxter showed the UK universal environment, which makes it up to a foreign area.
He added, “When foreign businesses just make four business groups in the UK, they help about 40% of the business and write 4.9 million people.”
He said this determines the importance of global finances, including the ones from Nigeria.
He said: “In each country, including Nigeria, the selling has a profit, a product of production of new groups and services that companies work.
“So this is one of the reasons why we are glad to receive the establishment of Westerfield, UK.”
The Baxter recieved that UK has committed to finances in assets with nigeria, not only in education and energy, money, and architecture.
Nigeria’s schools in the UK
Territory of Lagos State, the Boberries Sawaks – Olub, Balmhe Salul-trimhea, explained the installation as part of Nigeria.
Ms. Salu-Hideeyin has emphasized that the hidden of Nigerian surveys to the UK changes the way Nigerian learners appear in the world.
“This act did not only talk about the vision and commitment to organization and for example, the best effect of education and union,” said.
He added that in unSterfield College in the UK is evidence that Nigeria studies are making all the world’s education.
“The opening of this iconic campaign in the United Kingdom reminds us of what happens when we earn money,” added to the union around the world.
Ms. Ms. Hidelyin also described a new camp as social systems, ideas, and desires, promotion of the subjects that the course can be a rest of the world.
“This is a book that the Nigerian courses in the United Kingdom’s education,” he said.
To encourage subjects
In his Word, Westernfield College, Michael Dosind, determined that the agents in the UK is not intended to make his Nigeria’s provisions.
Mr Dosunun explained that the UK campus offers different software, including seating services to business, science, and technology.
Other contributions include English language, leadership education, summer tubing for students aged 10 to 17 years, and graduates before the universities of the UK universities.
Even to acknowledge that the UK’s financial costs will be advanced, Mr Dipuna assured that the course of education can be installed with the previously established standards in Nigeria.
More than a course, he related the meaning of the UK by encouraging Nigeria-UK BIRATION SALE.
“As a Nigerian business entering the UK, we will help the authenticity of the same relationship, ensuring that one money,” said.
Added: People from Uk, US, other countries now come to Nigeria to serve in a healthy body
According to him, UK has been a great source of external money (FDI) to Nigeria, but Nigeria’s businesses will make it in the UK Subjects a two-colored meeting.
Westerdfield College, which began in Lagos in 2011, passed in Nigeria, a branch of the agony and Abija, not added to the UK.
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Article: Dial Willie – +234809888999