With Henry Lodoah
After reaching the successful Portlint Purlint Purce Oftment Of Canada, United Kingdom and Ireland Today, Friday of about 7, fifteenth.
The meaning is that of European Europe, UK and Ireland can re-apply their non-visited hobbies to apply Biometric money.
Added: Migration is caused by Nigeria Respons for Europe
This development comes derives at the table of index tun-ojo, in the abiding member, which the leadership of his vision has brought successful, eagerly seen in Nigeria. According to the minister, moving to connect to President aslasku, which makes the minute course of a minute Cittic and technology to assist in the text.

By explanation of rude Nigeria’s job . The fixed system allows applications to give up the Passport of Passport, and remove the importance of physical conversation. The highest form of technology, a means of an unsatisfactory process confirming the protection of the protection, quickly confirmation, and correcting a smooth, and make it easier for citizens who use the Internet. “
Below there are six things to find out about the system:
1. The task may contain common passports.
3. The applicant must be 18 years old and above.
4. Applicant must have a biometric fee.
5. Software for special cases eg changes in data, lost cases, through etc will not enjoy.
6. Payment must be less than one year.
A note you need to know that the passage of the passage is starting in Europe it started at Vanguard News.