Holding down the world’s most confronted video, holding a woman beat her husband in a solitary room. An abuse of anxiety shows a person unthinkable as his wife wants him and hit him and hit him again. Though he suffered hardships, he continues to attack, prompts himself to “stock up.”
Our friend who is involved in the room at the time, trying to intervene, but the woman remained active in his family. Even what causes his anger to be forgotten, the video struck a range of anger and on the sides of the disadvantage of the traumatic situations that usually happen to men.
This shaking story has violently illuminated other men to endure in relationships, a topic that will not give attention to what is necessary. Although domestic violence is defined in thoughts that are concerned with women, the case requires the importance of communion in connection with the similarities of all kinds of violence, even among men.
As he gestures the film, many call that they know better and decay if men treated violence. The situation reminds me of the abuse of emotional misuse and difficult subject that affects both men and women, and should be criticized in all kinds.
https://www.yutube.com/watch? V = FULI0H9H9H9H9GLA
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