Armed military, or soldiers – warriors – short soldiers – beaten with Nigerian treasures. This appeared in 1977, with General Obasigun Obasaljona’s “History”. This has been transferred to “a fixed economic code” (esp) of presidents of presidents Shebidi government.
It also begins to be “dirty dimensions” of General Muhari Baharia, and is selected in a tragedy of the fears of the sac4us’
Escilid’s Esp has been a state and group. It led to the wound USman and Yusuf Booth “adventures, Contacts, Contacts, and the Ahibi Bullets. the way they were in the middle of the 1980s.
The first one from the USman’s submission was the worst complications that occur because of the financial due. He said that the second Republic politicians, directed Shagarii, was used by billions on a green transactions and beds. However “to make a lot of small crops did not rise.” Meals for food supplies: Mother, many who are farmers are farmers who are farmers, and their governments have been going to N100 billion many in order to make food. “
The USman said: “Over 50% of the industrials shut up, and the wipes of a long time, other than Brewer’s time, the crops and softens.” Said in December 1983: “Unless 25% of the electrical power that makes 2,342 power forces are used …”
Results: “Equal to N850 million year … (was) used by 650 companies of purchases and corrects the lights, the government used to send fastest. failed: “Payment for electronic power (NePA)
Secondly, USman disagreed with a government whose economic problem takes place because of “economic property on earth” and “oils,” disguise “,” the secrets “and” the secrets “!
The course said, when the land knew 83 percent of the amount of oil money, and purchase energy “is actually the time. What about 70 billion dollars. %. “?
USMAN states that Society ‘countries are “a billion of the world (not) economic financially.” China, he said, wrote to the factory of factory (9.3% in 1982 to 1283; with a native of the gold, “Roraphic places in 1980 and $ 5.3 billion” at the end of 1980. to 1982 “.
Third, USman said the causes of financial problems in the activities and “contractors” and “a meter, in the order,” authority “and the order,” the authority “and the order of the special money and than anything else “.
Contractors, through a lot of colors, and lifts “all fraud, miracles and the fantastic spices of public assistance in Cash and color.”
Types, through major groups “billions are transferred” in pockets and bank accounts of the wealthy wealth and strong. “The USman said that it grew up with” a teaching of doctrine and explaining them to them. “
But the contractor, USMAN felt, worked a great job in starting the problems. That’s why he said the words of Barabbeen Moses to make a statement: “Instead of the human government, and the courts, and contractors, and the political. Politics are reduced to one Tercoon group, The help of their outsiders and others; and everybody shakes another federal fragurable or other district to disturb people. “
The USman’s story was completely taken up to date. If there is anything, they do wrong. The second Republic leaders were shy, love of your country, love, and industrials in the ministry. Not the political and political leaders of the day were provided for them!
When shagari refused to resolve the destruction of global income (Imf), Bank of the President’s World (WB), and the Runald Regin. However, naira is monitored by 724ko / $ in 1983 to about n1,600 / $ on 11 February.
Also, when the second time had been equipped with more than 23 months, whiters, warriors, and politicians replaced Shagarii and he used these for them to them. He also reached our property under the “mystery”!
Over, when political republics SPUBLIC tried to protect aso, in their substitutes. This is a program that is made of nigeria; been accumulated by a large work; prompted to send irresponsible; A disability of our house market; and he had a good pierce. SP is the most withered by Nigerian industry, which at the second time, was also settled in the ‘in Nigentia’ which was shown in the streets, shops and markets and markets.
These activities that occur in number of financial issues in 1984, still exist today but growing. For example, from 1985 Nigeria has been working on the seizer – a refuge, through pomelands, and prostitutes; Crying – government of bubbles, caves, and to consumers; Biditocracy – a government of terrorists, and toilets, and toilets; The amount of governments – the state of chopemens, lumps, and lumps, between others.
This indicates the limit of the USMAN light. Capitalism is due to the amount of the capital; The ‘Montey Dey Grace Babon Dey’. To these people, whatever has happened to be accumulated by a cup of money, even to pay for the government and the people, it’s better, depending on the bad risk.
Cultural activities and any other articles from the 1980s, and the most recent energy, which provides a great power, economy, and the popularity of the rules of the rulers. As a result, as long as these errors do not start the existence of Expridentia, or the preservation of the population of the population, and people, then the best. But when these choices are threatened, it’s where they are financially concerned about the authorities.
The economic crisis that meets Nigeria from 1977 has confused the problems of working. However, various agents of administrations, have been financial tumors.
Ahmed Aminu-Ramamatu Yusuf works in the management, the titles users use money, explode, and retired. E-mail: [email protected]
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